Benefits of the

National Flood Insurance Program

Benefits of the

National Flood Insurance Program

What is the National Flood Insurance Program?

In 1968, Congress created the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) as the key component of the National Flood Insurance Act. This program provided participating communities with financial aid after floods, especially smaller floods that do not warrant federal disaster assistance. Making communities more resilient to flood hazards is another critical function of the NFIP. The program requires communities agree to adopt and enforce floodplain management ordinances to reduce future flood damage and guide development in floodplains.

Community participation in the NFIP is voluntary and is based on a mutual agreement between the Federal Government and the community. Federally backed flood insurance is made available in those communities that agree to regulate development in their mapped floodplains.


Why Should My Community Join the NFIP?

Federally backed flood insurance

Federal grants and loans

Federally backed mortgages in identified flood hazard areas

Safer, stronger development in flood-prone areas

Increased resilience in your community

Reduce future loss of life and property


of Utah communities participate in the National Flood Insurance Program!

of Utah communities participate in the National Flood Insurance Program!

What Will Be Expected of My Community?

The community enacts and implements the floodplain regulations required for participation in the NFIP. A participating community commits to:

Issue or deny floodplain development or building permits

Maintain records of floodplain development

Assist in the preparation and revision of the floodplain maps

Inspect all development to assure compliance with the local ordinance

Help residents with info on flood hazards, maps, insurance, and proper construction measures

Join the NFIP

Step One

Complete an application.

View Here
Step Two

Adopt a resolution of intent to participate and cooperate with FEMA.

View Here
Step Three

Adopt and submit a floodplain management ordinance that meets or exceeds the minimum NFIP criteria. This ordinance must also adopt any flood insurance rate map (FIRM) or flood hazard boundary map (FHBM).

Learn More
If you are interested in joining the National Flood Insurance Program, please contact Tracie Harrison at [email protected] or (385) 499-2077.